I believe everyone knows the saying "If at first you don't succeed try, try, again". I am sure that this saying has been applied to at least one thing in every ones life and most probably for those who have tried to find the right Home Based Business . It certainly has for me.
I have always had that thought of making some kind of income from home after my first son was born. The thought of having to go back to work and leave him just pulled at my heart strings. Many things crossed my path but none that didn't cost a lot to get started or didn't seem like a scam. Ultimately I had to return to work. One of the good things at that time was that my family was able to watch him and I didn't have the cost of a sitter, yet on the other hand they were there for some of his firsts.
When my second son was born, I was able to take a whole year off. During that time I did try several things that just didn't work out. Selling isn't my thing, big investments, nor is buying things that won't sell..There is so much out there it is kind of a challenge to find the right fit. One cause of failure is the support that is offered but really not given or you have to spend lots more to get it. Needless to say I returned to work.
Then comes along my third son. Again I am faced with having to go back to the long hours away from home. This time I am now also looking to have to hire a sitter due to health issues with my family member. I decided to try working only part-time and my husband had to switch shifts so we didn't have the daycare cost. Ultimately, things were tight, not much family time and I didn't see my husband much.
In my first thoughts of wanting to earn an income from home, the reasons were more selfish in the fact that I just didn't want to be away from my family. I also didn't want my children to grow up learning how someone else would have them be. Today, with the economic times, it has become more of a necessity to have some other type of income. Two years ago, my husband was let go from his job due to downsizing. I then had to go back to full-time. Being with my family had even gone farther by the wayside not to mention it was much harder to get involved with my children's activities and keep up with the things needed at home.
My decision to find another source of income has now come into force. Already being away from home fifty hours a week, getting a second job was not really feasible. So again, I start searching into the many Home Business Opportunities. I signed up for any free information I could, joined some online mom social groups and came across a great group of moms who work from home for a company called Internet CEO Moms. They truly are dedicated in helping you to your success. I love the unlimited support and the fact that I can work around my other job and other family affairs. Being able to better my family feels awesome!
Everyone of the women of this great company has a different story and different situations.
For free info go to Internet CEO Moms.
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